Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Asian Style Veal Meatballs

Megan and I plan our weekly meals around what's on sale at the grocery store, but sometimes we stumble upon interesting clearance meats, which promptly hit the freezer until we figure out how we're going to work them into the meal schedule.

One week we found ground veal on a great sale and decided to give it a shot, as it's not something we'd normally consider spending money on.

For this dinner, we decided to do veal meatballs, but rather than the standard Italian style with pasta and tomato sauce, we went for an Asian twist. Most meatballs call for bread crumbs or panko crumbs, but we find using oatmeal works just as well for providing structure and keeping the meat together.

For a closer look at how to put these together, you can see our previous blog on making mozzarella stuffed meatballs. Here we're mixing the meat and seasonings with the oatmeal.

Oil your fingers and roll out a small portion of ground veal into the first of several large, delicious meatballs!

Next we start the sauce, which begins by sauteing sliced mushrooms.

Then we add in soy sauce, ginger, beef bouillon, teriyaki sauce, sesame oil, and thicken it all with corn starch. After it's cooked down for a short time, everything goes into a pan and prepares for baking.

After they come out of the even, we use the meat balls to top noodles. Here we're using bead threads, rather than linguine or fettuccine, which can usually be found in the Asian section at the grocery store.

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