Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012: Final Fantasy 7 Costumes

And now for something a little different! Instead of our regularly scheduled food blog, today we're taking a look at a home project of sorts: putting together our own Halloween costumes. This year we decided to dress up as Final Fantasy characters.

Vincent Valentine for me:

And Aeris Gainsborough for Megan:

We found cosplay costumes online that were spot on, but they were way, way more expensive than we were interested in spending, so we decided to make our own by raiding thrift shops and sewing together our own costumes. To start off with I've got a few yards of red fabric.

After some searching around we found a free cape pattern online and printed it off on standard paper, cutting it up with scissors into the appropriate shape. Since the cape was meant for a woman, we decided to make it larger and longer than the pattern, which turned out to be a bad idea, as the cape was way much too big at first. We used a simple hand sewing machine to stitch it together.

After some alterations, we're down to something more along the lines of what we're looking for.

Here we've got the top part of the cape done, along with some extra bunched material for the neck piece. You can also see part of the black pants here covered in random belts and zippers. These are actually pants from Hot Topic that normally go for around $50, but I found them at Salvation Army for $7! They were just slightly too small, but we weren't going to let that stop us, as we got a small piece of stretchy black fabric and just sewed it behind the zipper.

Here we've sewed the back part onto the cape and then added on small strips of black vinyl with large buttons to the front piece. Cristal happened to have a can of metallic gold spray paint, which took care of the button color.

The shoes are just my regular black Skechers, but with cardboard folded over and spray painted gold. To keep them in place, we stapled some nylon strips and wrapped them around the back and bottom of the shoes.

And here we are on Halloween night with Cristal as Lulu and Glen as Auron from Final Fantasy 10!

Megan gets in the picture with her finished Aeris costume, complete with pink hair bow and a staff.

To get the over coat looking right, Megan cut the sleeves off an old shirt she never wore and sewed some belt parts onto the sleeves. The staff is a dollar dowel rod from Walmart with three pieces of foam paper glued on.

Final Fantasy is famous for its battle and victory poses: here's Glen and Cristal enacting theirs!

We're ready to head out and show off our costumes for a great Halloween night!

These were a good deal of work, and we put them off until the weekend before and ended up spending two full days getting them done, but we saved a ton of money and had a lot of fun doing it. My costume ended up costing around $20 total to put together.

Check back in soon as we return to our regularly scheduled coverage of fantastic breakfasts, lunches, and dinners!

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