Friday, April 17, 2009

Egg Coloring Extravaganza / Deviled Eggs

Can you call it an extravaganza when you're only coloring a dozen eggs?

For the last several years we've colored Easter eggs with our nieces or with the nieces/nephews/small children of friends. This year, none of the aforementioned children were available so Ty and I decided to color Easter eggs by ourselves while Matt caught up to where we were in "Big Love" (we've been power-watching it, it's amazing).

Since there were no kiddies present, Ty and I decided to invite our good "friend" Captain Morgan to color eggs with us.

This is where it gets hilarious... Ty, for reasons unknown, thought it would be really funny to use the "magic crayon" to draw boobs on the first egg he colored. He went for a totally different interpretation of boobs than I would have (maybe because he doesn't have them). I had no idea what he was doing until he pulled the egg out and said, in a very disappointed tone, "Oh, they don't look like boobs at all! It just looks like a W." Sure enough, he'd gone for a frontal interpretation of bosoms that was nearly indistinguishable from the letter 'W'. Personally, I would have gone with the "fried egg" interpretation of boobs, but that's just me... Anyway, we had a good, long laugh about it and Ty may be trying to live down his "boobs" Easter egg for many Easters to come.

If you look closely, you can see Ty's W/boobs on the egg...

We colored the eggs a couple days before Easter so that come Easter morning, the eggs would be all ready for their transformation into deviled eggs.

Ty loves deviled eggs, they're one of the holiday foods that we make that he most looks forward to having. Being the awesome husband that he is, he loves to help me make them. He not only helped make them, this time he even remembered to grab the camera and get some pictures.

Here's me, getting ready to tackle Easter dinner. Because Jacob had to work he let me borrow his cool black apron so I wouldn't get food all over myself (thanks again, Jake). I think it looks quite nice!

Here's a look at the little lovelies before they were converted to deviled eggs. The orange egg in the first row all the way to the right is the infamous boob egg. I turned it around for the photo so people wouldn't ask why we just put a W on one of our eggs.

Alas, beauty is only skin-deep, or in this case, shell-deep...

Here I am filling the eggs with tasty, deviled egg mixture...

Ty sliced some Spanish olives to garnish the tops...

Here's the finished product. Ty loves them so much that by the time I'd washed my hands to handle the camera he'd already eaten several! I don't blame him, they were delicious!

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