Friday, April 3, 2009

Chicken and Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar

Another new recipe we tried from this week was Chicken and Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar. This was kind of a test recipe for a curious craving I've had lately for bell peppers.

A little backstory... I've never cared for bell peppers, especially green ones. For as long as I can remember I've thought they were pretty gross. But because I'm a big believer in expanding one's culinary horizons I've tried them periodically over the years to see if my tastes for bell peppers had changed. Until now they hadn't.

A couple of weeks ago I saw bell peppers at the store and thought they looked "good" instead of just "pretty". But I knew I didn't like them so I didn't buy them. Then Ty's parents took us out to dinner at Chili's and Ty ordered fajitas and, surprisingly, the bell peppers smelled good. I decided it just might be time to give them another try. So I looked on and found this recipe for Chicken and Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar.

Here are the red, orange and yellow bell peppers, and onions sauteing in olive oil...

Here are the peppers cooking with the thinly sliced chicken breasts...

And finally, the finished product...

The recipe was amazing, a big hit with all of us! Jacob mentioned that the sauteed bell peppers were especially tasty and, strangely enough, I thought so too. Now that I have a new-found appreciation for bell peppers I'm thinking of trying my hand at homemade fajitas sometime soon!

This recipe was great. We highly recommend! Here it is if you'd like to try it for yourself:

Chicken and Peppers with Balsamic Vinegar

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